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Constitutional Law Dissertation Ideas

Published by at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On May 2, 2024

Constitutional law focuses on interpreting and implementing the country’s constitution. All nations’ legal systems and constitutions have laws that are inextricably linked to their cultural traditions and identities.

Most students have trouble selecting a research area for their law dissertations, especially when they are exploring a technical area of law, such as constitutional law. Government authorities exercise the power to enforce any legislation in the constitution of a country, which entails that the rights of the citizens will be protected and upheld in every situation. 

If you are looking for a unique, relevant, focused and trending thesis topic in the area of constitutional law, your search should end right here because this blog post provides a list of 50+ constitutional law topics for you to choose from.

Law essay and dissertation experts at ResearchProspect have developed this list of constitutional law dissertation topics. The aim is to provide our students with free advice on the dissertation they consistently seek before they start writing the dissertation

Here we go!

List of Constitutional Law Dissertation Topics

  1. Should the British Constitution’s Articles be reduced to writing?
  2. Is releasing the Draft Cabinet Manual 2010 sufficient to stop future executive abuse of power?
  3. Is the British Bill of Rights necessary to balance rights and responsibilities?
  4. Is a crucial part of the British Constitution the British Prerogative?
  5. Are the current models of statutory interpretation judged appropriate for the job, particularly in light of the European Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights rulings, to infer a more proactive attitude from the judges?
  6. Does the absence of a merits-settled appeal under English law indicate that judicial review in complicated environmental situations has failed?
  7. Analyse critically if the idea that a law’s legitimacy depends on its efficacy is accepted in the legal system of England and Wales.
  8. Are select committees a good and effective way to monitor governmental operations?
  9. Why must the termination of parliamentary sovereignty recognition follow the UK’s withdrawal from the EU?
  10. How will Brexit affect the evolution of England and Wales’s legal system, which regulates the operations of the federal and local governments and associated public entities?
  11. What effects will Brexit have on the interplay between administrative and constitutional law in England and Wales?
  12. The Code of Concord: Emerson’s search for the fundamental principles
  13. A constitutional law analysis of nation-states and minority rights
  14. Comparative research on constitutional law and constitutionalism in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.
  15. Norms, ideologies, and strategies for judicial and legal change after a war
  16. Inquiry of the Reforms of Occupational and Statutory Pension Schemes in a Norwegian, German, and Swedish Context: The Protection of Accrued Pension Rights
  17. Individual legal activity and judicial review: Russia as a case study from a theoretical standpoint
  18. Determining, balancing, and governing rights: A constitutional law analysis of indigenous peoples’ rights to natural resources and territory in the Russian Federation.
  19. Study article on its theoretical elements, practices from France, Germany, Vietnam, and the United States, and suggestions for Vietnam
  20. Nordic Perspective on the European Convention on Human Rights and the Right to Property
  1. The Asian community’s philosophical perspectives on rights and sovereignty
  2. Investigating a just balance in EC J’s ruling on the basic rights in conflict
  3. On the verge of the border: Cyber operations and how they affect the concepts of war and peace. Discuss it in terms of both domestic and international constitutional law
  4. The interaction between EU legislation and harmonised European standards
  5. The development and impact of the fundamental constitutional concepts
  6. Pakistani minorities’ living conditions and the government’s inability to uphold the constitutionally protected rights of those communities
  7. What does the European Union (EU) investment court system mean to you? Is it a successful reform effort?
  8. Constitutionalism and political culture in India in the twenty-first century
  9. Equality before tradition? A thorough examination of the property rights of women in post-apartheid South Africa who were previously marginalised under community tenure and land reform
  10. What does SGEI mean to you? Send us a case study on the social services and legal framework in your chosen nation
  11. Constitutional rules vs escalating radicalisation in Islamic countries. Discuss the present and the future using one of your own countries as an example
  12. Is the 2010 Draft Cabinet Manual enough to stop the Executive from abusing its power in the future?
  13. Is a balance between rights and duties possible without the British Bill of Rights?
  14. Does the British Constitution require the Royal Prerogative?
  15. Is the absence of a merits-based appeal under English law a sign that the court is not successfully reviewing complicated environmental disputes?
  16. Racial discrimination and the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment
  17. Analysis of the 27th amendment’s significance to the US Constitution
  18. Ending the life tenure of Supreme Court judges is necessary
  19. The constitution and the Magna Carta: a nation of compromise
  20. The conditions for a British colonial constitution
  21. Analysing state laws and constitutions
  22. Constitutionalism’s benefits and drawbacks
  23. What major modifications has the First Amendment made?
  24. What modifications were made by the Bill of Rights?
  25. Strengths of the United States Constitution’s Fourth Amendment
  26. Disputed Points in the British Constitution and the Bill of Rights
  27. The Worldview’s Map Changes to the UK Constitution
  28. Compliance with the Preamble of the US Constitution. Discuss
  29. The Role of Judicial Review in Safeguarding Constitutional Rights: A Comparative Analysis
  30. Constitutionalism in Times of Crisis: Balancing Civil Liberties and National Security
  31. A Comparative Analysis of Originalism vs Living Constitutionalism
  32. A Study on the Constitutional Protection of Minority Rights
  33. A Comparative Study on Federalism and Decentralisation
  34. Constitutional Design and Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies
  35. The Impact of Integrity of the Judiciary on Judicial Independence and Accountability
  36. Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age
  37. Constitutional Approaches to Religious Freedom and State Neutrality
  38. The Role of Royal Prerogative in the British Constitution

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Getting the top grade in your law dissertation requires a distinct legal topic. Select a topic from this list of original constitutional law ideas to develop a top-notch dissertation that will set you apart from the competition.

The topics listed here will help students with their constitutional law dissertations and other constitutional law assignments. These topics are suitable for a research report, essay, research paper or dissertation if you are a law student.

Our team can also customise constitutional law dissertation topics for you! Or you could read about our full dissertation writing service to see how we can help you ease your workload. 

    Free Dissertation Topic

    Frequently Asked Questions

    For a constitutional law dissertation topic:

    1. Study recent legal developments.
    2. Analyse constitutional issues.
    3. Review landmark cases.
    4. Explore debates in jurisprudence.
    5. Consider societal changes.
    6. Choose a niche area that intrigues you.


    About Ellie Cross

    Avatar for Ellie CrossEllie Cross is the Content Manager at ResearchProspect, assisting students for a long time. Since its inception, She has managed a growing team of great writers and content marketers who contribute to a great extent to helping students with their academics.