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90+ Best Auditing Dissertation Topics – Choose One That Matches Your Needs

Published by at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024

Selecting a topic is the first step of writing a dissertation. It directs your academic career and the stage for the next few weeks, months, or years. Hence, you should pay special attention to the justification of your research topic selection.

Auditing dissertation and thesis projects provide professionals and students with various chances to learn how to improve the quality and affectivity of business operations through bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, and vision and purpose statements.

Here are some of the best audit dissertation topics and ideas compiled by our industry-leading professionals to help you choose the best audit thesis topic.

List Of Auditing Dissertation Topics

  1. An exploratory investigation of the mismatch between audit assurance progress and financial statement ambiguities.
  2. A comparison of small and large businesses vs global corporations.
  3. An analysis of the effects of hand hygiene audits in health care.
  4. A critical examination of the type and professionalism of audit services supplied by private audit consultant businesses vs the big four in the United Kingdom.
  5. A critical review of how quarterly internal audits aid in the management of compliance risk in small and medium-sized businesses.
  6. A thorough inquiry of the audits of offshore supply chain management firms. A Deloitte case study.
  7. An investigation into the impact of internal auditing on financial reporting. What does it advocate? Internal or complete bias.
  8. A comparison of whether the audit boom of the last decade has resulted in biased unprofessionalism or excellent audits.
  9. Investigate the distinction between audit assurance progress and ambiguity in financial statements.
  10. True or false: a critical review of the usefulness of public sector audits in healthcare for providing improved healthcare administration and service. A case study of major pharma audit reports in the United States.
  11. Do audit firms routinely recruit for lengthy periods, which has a greater influence on their professional judgement?
  12. A comparison of the internal auditing functions of a ‘non-profit’ company with a ‘for-profit’ business in the United Kingdom.
  13. An investigation into the organisation’s environmental impact on the execution of international auditing standards.
  14. How do global legal settings influence auditor behaviour? Synthesis of literature
  15. An examination of the developments and problems associated with fraud detection in the digital age.
  16. What is the impact of including key audit items in financial statements on the firm and its social image?
  17. A qualitative evaluation of Islamic institutions in a typical auditing setting.
  18. Examine the financial reporting audits that have wreaked havoc on the global economy over the last decade.
  19. A comparison of whether the constant hiring of audit firms for long periods affects their professional competency or creates corporate bias.
  20. A critical analysis of how reliable external creditors and investors find internal audit reports of UK corporations.
  21. A comparison of international start-up financing in the United Kingdom and the United States.
  22. A critical investigation of the financial reporting audits performed by the Big Four over the previous decade resulted in severe consequences for the global economy. A case study of 2001, 2008, and 2020 global recessions.
  23. An examination of the quality of audit disclosures in various government sectors. A study of the differences between emerging and established economies.
  24. An investigational project to research non-profit financial audits. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as a Case Study
  25. An exploration of the globalisation of auditing standards.
  26. Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of auditing globalisation for small and medium-sized businesses.
  27. An assessment of cross-border audits. The difficulties that international firms encounter. A case study for Samsung.
  28. Exploratory research to identify similar variables in several global auditing and accounting scandals.
  29. A neural network is used to assess the likelihood of false financial reporting.
  30. What are accounting businesses doing to invest in deep learning?
  31. The impact of artificial intelligence on the auditing profession.
  32. How does an expert system do audit judgement?
  33. The role of expert and decision support systems in auditing.
  34. The impact of information variety on decision-making quality.
  35. A study of the relationship between external audits and senior management’s ethical behaviour.
  36. An examination of the auditing difficulties encountered in fair value measures in the markets of the United Kingdom.
  37. An assessment of the auditing issues encountered in fair value measures in UK marketplaces.
  38. The audit system’s impact on improving corporate responsibility.
  39. A comprehensive examination of how continuous auditing affects organisational performance. A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages.
  40. The impact of auditing on the authenticity of corporate organisations’ financial statements.
  41. A comparison of auditing discrepancies between private and state enterprises in the United Kingdom
  42. Explore how continuous auditing affects organisational performance.
  43. The effect of a company’s structure on shareholder equity.
  44. Determine the significance of the marginal costing approach in price setting.
  45. The significance of accounting data in increasing profitability in the telecommunications business.
  46. The impact of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in revolutionising fraud detection and internal audit practices.
  47. Exploring the potential of Big Data Analytics for enhancing continuous auditing and real-time risk assessment.
  48. Blockchain technology’s disruption of traditional auditing processes: Opportunities and challenges for the future.
  49. The influence of cloud computing on remote auditing practices: Ensuring security and audit quality in a digital world.
  50. The evolving role of the auditor in the age of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting.
  51. Assessing the effectiveness of data analytics tools in mitigating audit risk for complex financial instruments.
  52. The impact of cognitive automation on audit procedures: Implications for auditor judgment and decision-making.
  53. Navigating ethical dilemmas in the digital age: Addressing data privacy concerns during the audit process.
  54. The effectiveness of continuous auditing in a post-pandemic world: Maintaining audit quality in a hybrid work environment.
  55. The evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency: Challenges and best practices for auditing digital assets.
  56. The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing internal control effectiveness: A comparative analysis across different industries.
  57. Assessing the impact of auditor rotation on audit quality and firm independence in the context of large audit firms.
  58. The influence of cultural factors on auditor scepticism and detection of fraudulent financial reporting.
  59. Exploring the effectiveness of whistleblowing programs in detecting financial misconduct within organisations.
  60. The impact of audit committee characteristics on corporate governance and financial reporting quality.
  61. A comparative analysis of international auditing standards: Implications for cross-border audits and global financial stability.
  62. The role of forensic accounting in investigating financial crimes: Techniques and best practices for uncovering fraud.
  63. The effectiveness of data visualisation tools in enhancing communication of audit findings to stakeholders.
  64. The impact of behavioural audit techniques on deterring financial statement misrepresentation.
  65. The evolving skills and expertise required for auditors in a technology-driven auditing environment.
  66. Addressing the gender pay gap in the audit profession: Strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion.
  67. The impact of digital nomads on the future of the auditing profession: Challenges and opportunities for global audit firms.
  68. Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in auditing: Mitigating bias and ensuring fairness.
  69. The role of continuous auditing in improving internal control over financial reporting for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs).
  70. The effectiveness of peer review programs in enhancing the quality of audit practices in the public accounting profession.
  71. Assessing the impact of auditor tenure on audit quality and the risk of audit failure.
  72. The influence of non-audit services on auditor independence and the potential for conflict of interest.
  73. Exploring the potential of blockchain technology to enhance audit trails and improve audit efficiency.
  74. The impact of climate change on financial reporting: The role of auditors in assessing environmental risks and liabilities.
  75. Developing a framework for integrating sustainability reporting into the audit process.
  76. The future of audit reporting: Exploring the potential for interactive and user-friendly audit reports.
  77. The impact of social media on the audit process: Addressing reputational risks and maintaining confidentiality.
  78. The role of auditors in detecting and preventing cybercrime within organisations.
  79. Exploring the potential of gamification to enhance auditor training and continuous learning.
  80. The impact of regulatory changes on the audit profession in response to recent financial scandals.
  81. Assessing the effectiveness of audit quality indicators in identifying high-risk companies.
  82. The role of professional scepticism in the audit process: Balancing critical thinking with professional judgment.
  83. The impact of cultural biases on audit judgments and the importance of cultural competency.
  84. Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence for audit documentation and record-keeping.
  85. Developing a framework for integrating internal audit with risk management practices within organisations.
  86. The effectiveness of data-driven internal audit approaches in identifying emerging risks and vulnerabilities.
  87. The impact of mergers and acquisitions on audit complexity and the risk of audit failure.
  88. Exploring the potential of robotic process automation (RPA) to streamline audit procedures and improve efficiency.
  89. The role of auditors in promoting good corporate governance practices within organisations.
  90. Assessing the effectiveness of audit committee oversight in mitigating audit risk and ensuring financial reporting integrity.
  91. The evolving landscape of audit fees: Balancing fair compensation with audit quality and auditor independence.
  92. The impact of technological advancements on the future of the audit profession: A Delphi study exploring expert opinions.
  93. Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence for audit sampling and data analysis.
  94. Assessing the effectiveness of audit partner rotation in mitigating audit bias and fostering auditor independence.

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Final Words

Our academic writers have compiled a list of the best audit dissertation topics available on the educational market to guarantee that you never run out of audit dissertation topics.

If you need professional work done, you can consult our writers online. With the assistance of these outstanding dissertation experts, you will be able to achieve good grades.

It is also essential to select a topic that your professor will not argue about, depending on your subject. You can expect a fast and low-cost response from the writers to all inquiries.

    Free Dissertation Topic

    Frequently Asked Questions

    To find auditing dissertation topics:

    1. Research recent auditing issues.
    2. Explore regulatory changes.
    3. Consider emerging technologies.
    4. Analyse audit quality concerns.
    5. Review financial scandals.
    6. Choose a specific, relevant, and novel area for research.

    About Owen Ingram

    Avatar for Owen IngramIngram is a dissertation specialist. He has a master's degree in data sciences. His research work aims to compare the various types of research methods used among academicians and researchers.