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Terrorism Dissertation Topic Ideas

Published by at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 21, 2024

Terrorism is a major global threat to public safety and security. It is an unlawful use of violence and intimidation to achieve political, ideological or religious goals. Terrorist attacks are always extremely devastating and have the potential to cause significant destruction, fear, injury and even death.

Terrorists employ many tactics, including bombings, hijackings, hostage takings, assassinations, cyber-attacks and more. The impact of terrorism on society is widespread, as it can cause economic damage by disrupting financial markets, creating social unrest through fear-mongering and creating long-term psychological trauma for affected individuals or communities.

Governments worldwide have implemented various initiatives designed to tackle this type of crime, but terrorist groups continue to operate across international borders with impunity.

Conducting research on terrorism is an essential aspect of a student’s dissertation and understanding of terrorism-related topics. In order to develop a comprehensive understanding of this complex field, students should dedicate time to researching the phenomenon of terrorism and its implications for national security.

In today’s world, terrorism has become one of the most pressing issues faced by countries all over the globe. Thus, it is important for students to be knowledgeable about current events and how they relate to global security.

Developing a solid analytical outlook on terrorist groups, their goals, and objectives can open up new opportunities in national security policy-making and counter-terrorism initiatives. Moreover, it can help develop comprehensive solutions aimed at curbing terrorist activity in areas around the world that are prone to violence.

When it comes to topics related to terrorism, this task becomes even more difficult as many complex and diverse topics can be investigated. Students should consider certain factors while choosing their dissertation topic to ensure they have chosen an appropriate and practical research area.

First, students should identify what area or field they wish to focus on for their dissertation. For example, suppose a student is interested in researching international terrorism. In that case, they should look for potential research topics related to this field, such as analysing terrorist networks or understanding state responses towards transnational terrorist organisations.

Students can also look on more specific areas, such as examining the role of social media in recruiting individuals into terror networks or looking at counter-terrorism strategies employed by different countries around the world.

  1. Are counter-terrorism strategies effective? The results of the Campbell systematic review on counter-terrorism evaluation research
  2.  Combating terrorism: strategies of ten countries
  3. Rethinking Nigeria’s counter-terrorism strategy
  4. Common threat and common response? The European Union’s counter-terrorism strategy and its problems
  5. Credibility in the global war on terrorism: Strategic principles and research agenda
  6. A strategic framework for terrorism prevention and mitigation in tourism destinations
  7. From convergence to deep integration: Evaluating the impact of EU counter-terrorism strategies on domestic arenas
  8. Counter-terrorism strategies in Indonesia, Algeria and Saudi Arabia
  9. Hard versus soft measures to security: Explaining the failure of counter-terrorism strategy in Nigeria
  10. Putting terrorism in context: Lessons from the Global Terrorism Database
  11. What is domestic terrorism? A method for classifying events from the global terrorism database
  12. Characterising chemical terrorism incidents collected by the global terrorism database, 1970-2015
  13. Machine learning techniques to visualise and predict terrorist attacks worldwide using the global terrorism database
  14. The impact of terrorism on financial markets: An empirical study
  15. The impact of terrorism and conflicts on growth in Asia
  16. The economic impact of terrorism from 2000 to 2018
  17. The impact of terrorism on European tourism
  18. The impact of terrorism on Italian employment and business activity
  19. Impact of terrorism on economic development in Pakistan.
  20. Psychological impact of terrorism on children and families in the United States
  21. The impact of terrorism on the brain and behaviour: what we know and what we need to know
  22. Terrorism, the future, and US foreign policy
  23. Jewish terrorism in Israel
  24. Israel–Palestine: One State or Two: Why a Two-State Solution is Desirable, Necessary, and Feasible
  25. The Terrorism Acts In 2011: Report of the Independent Reviewer on the Operation of the Terrorism Act 2000 and of Part 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006
  26. The Rise of Lone Wolf Terrorism in the Age of Social Media
  27. Far-Right Extremism and Domestic Terrorism
  28. The Role of Online Propaganda in Radicalisation and Recruitment by Terrorist Groups
  29. The Intersection of Cyberterrorism and Critical Infrastructure
  30. The Impact of Drone Warfare on Counterterrorism Strategies and Civilian Casualties
  31. The Psychological Impact of Terrorism on Victims and First Responders
  32. The Legal Challenges of Prosecuting Terrorists
  33. The Impact of Foreign Intervention on State Formation and the Rise of Terrorism
  34. The Integration of Refugees and the Prevention of Radicalisation in Host Countries
  35. The Use of Narrative Analysis in Understanding the Motivations of Terrorists
  36. The Effectiveness of Soft Power Strategies in Countering Terrorism and Promoting Peace

Also read: Dissertation Topics on Ukraine, Russia and NATO Conflict, Dissertation Topics on USA’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan, International Relations and Geopolitics Dissertation Topics, International Development Dissertation Topics, Criminal Psychology Dissertation Ideas.These subject topics will help you in getting dissertation research ideas, if you are studying in any mentioned subject.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions, literature review, methodology, expected results, and conclusion. The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

What are the Benefits of Choosing a Good Terrorism Dissertation Topic?

Choosing the right topic for a dissertation on terrorism can be difficult. However, considering the various factors associated with it can help make the decision more accessible and beneficial to students.

A good terrorism dissertation topic should be relevant, engaging and unique enough to stand out from other written works in the field. It is also essential to address an issue or question that has yet to be looked at in depth.

In addition to helping students build their research skills, choosing an effective dissertation topic on terrorism will allow them to explore an area of interest in depth and develop a better understanding of complex issues related to this subject matter.

Students should also remember that selecting a current issue or one with potential implications for national security is likely to attract greater interest from potential employers or universities when applying for jobs or further study opportunities.


In the article above, there are multiple dissertation topics related to terrorism. You can choose any of them. A few areas explored include:

  • Counterterrorism,
  • Global governance,
  • Conflict resolution

Yes, all these dissertation topics are unique. But other students might have used them. You can take help from our dissertation topic services to get a unique topic for your terrorism dissertation.

The most beneficial part of dissertation topic services is that they offer help from experienced professionals with extensive knowledge in the field of research. This includes an initial consultation to discuss ideas, direct access to resources and databases, advice on turning those ideas into concrete topics, and suggestions on organising a literature review or methodology.

About Owen Ingram

Avatar for Owen IngramIngram is a dissertation specialist. He has a master's degree in data sciences. His research work aims to compare the various types of research methods used among academicians and researchers.