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Intellectual Property Law Dissertation Topics

Published by at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On May 3, 2024

A dissertation or a thesis in the study area of intellectual property rights can be a tough nut to crack for students. Masters and PhD students of intellectual property rights often struggle to come up with a relevant and fulfilling research topic; this is where they should seek academic assistance from experts.

An individual, a group, an association, an organisation or a company that wants to claim ownership of a particular design, piece of art, technology, literature, or physical or virtual property must adhere to a specific set of rules. Without these regulations, known as intellectual property rights, concerning parties will not be secure, and anyone could easily steal from them. If someone else attempts to take the property, the original owners are guaranteed the right to keep and reclaim it.

So let’s take a look at the list of unique and focused intellectual property law dissertation topics, so you can select one more suitable to your requirements and get started with your project without further delay. Don’t forget to read our free guide on writing a dissertation step by step after you have finalised the topic. 

A List Of Intellectual Property Law Dissertation Topics Is Provided Below

  1. How can virtual companies ensure that copyright rules are followed while creating their logos, websites, goods, and designs?
  2. What does it mean legally to own an original work of art or piece of property?
  3. Can the most recent technical developments coexist peacefully with the present patent rules and system?
  4. Does the UK’s intellectual property legislation protect the owners and users fairly and securely?
  5. Is there a connection between European and British intellectual property laws?
  6. Comparison of the institutions and regulations governing intellectual property in the US and the UK
  7. What do fair pricing and fair dealing with copyright regulations mean?
  8. Can a business or individual assert ownership of a colour scheme or hue?
  9. The conflict between business law and trade secrets
  10. The Difficult Relationship Between Intellectual Property and Contemporary Art
  11. Trade-Related Aspects of IP Rights: A Workable Instrument for Enforcing Benefit Sharing
  12. A US-UK Comparison of the Harmonisation of UK Copyright and Trademark Damages
  13. The difficulties brought by digitalisation and the internet are beyond the capacity of the copyright system to appropriately address them. Discuss
  1. Which copyright laws can be cited as protecting software?
  2. The law on online copyright infringement facilitation
  3. The necessity for companies to safeguard their brand value should serve as the primary
  4. Justification for trademark protection. The general welfare is only a secondary concern. Discuss
  5. Intellectual property rights are being directly used by businesses and investors: IP privateering and contemporary letters of marque and reprisal
  6. Decisions and dynamics in understanding the role of intellectual property in digital technology-based startups
  7. Investigating conflicts between appropriable and collaborative openness in innovation
  8. Assessing the strength and scope of our system for protecting the intellectual property rights of indigenous people
  9. Assessing legal protections for intellectual property rights online
  10. Does EU copyright legislation adequately balance the requirements of consumers and inventors?
  11. A case study of the US is used to evaluate fair dealing in terms of copyright law.
  12. Contrasting and comparing the US and UK intellectual property systems
  13. Are consumers and owners protected and treated fairly under EU intellectual property law?
  14. What effects has EU legislation had on the UK’s intellectual property system?
  15. What more should be done to increase the efficacy of the US’s present intellectual property laws?
  16. Analysing how Brexit may affect the UK’s protection of intellectual property rights
  17. An in-depth analysis of the UK’s invention and patenting system: Can the existing, rigid system stimulate innovation?
  18. The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Promoting Innovation and Economic Growth.
  19. Comparative Analysis of Patent Laws: Case Study of the US, EU, and China.
  20. Challenges and Solutions of the Copyright Protection in the Digital Age
  21. The Impact of Open Access Initiatives on Intellectual Property Rights.
  22. Emerging Issues in Trademark Protection in the Global Marketplace
  23. Intellectual Property Enforcement in the Era of Online Piracy.
  24. Intellectual Property Rights and Artificial Intelligence
  25. Legal Frameworks and Indigenous Right for Biopiracy and Bioprospecting
  26. Plant Breeders’ Rights
  27. Pharmaceutical Patents and Access to Essential Medicines in Developing Countries.
  28. Intellectual Property Rights in the Fashion Industry

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When choosing a topic in intellectual property law, make sure your selection is based on your interests.

As an intellectual property rights law student, there are many areas you might base your thesis or dissertation on. For example, a copyright lawyer can defend the rights of creative works, a patent lawyer can provide lawful protection for inventors, and a trademark lawyer can assist with the protection of trademarks.  You could also investigate rights related to plant varieties, trade dresses, and industrial designs.

Dissertations take a lot of time and effort to complete. It is essential to seek writing assistance if you are struggling to complete the paper on time to ensure you don’t end up failing the module.

ResearchProspect is an affordable dissertation writing service with a team of expert writers who have years of experience in writing dissertations and are familiar with the ideal format.  Place your order now!

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    To find Intellectual Property Law dissertation topics:

    1. Study recent IP developments.
    2. Examine emerging technologies.
    3. Analyse legal debates and cases.
    4. Explore global IP issues.
    5. Consider economic implications.
    6. Select a topic aligning with your passion and career goals.

    About Ellie Cross

    Avatar for Ellie CrossEllie Cross is the Content Manager at ResearchProspect, assisting students for a long time. Since its inception, She has managed a growing team of great writers and content marketers who contribute to a great extent to helping students with their academics.