Undergraduate Operation Management Report Sample


As scholarship in operations management has gotten more rigorous over the years, many remarks have been made concerning the theory deficiencies within the subject. Despite being regarded as critical to a company’s prospects, operations management struggles in at least some places since there is no accepted theory on which it is based or for which it is renowned (Benjaafar & Hu, 2020).

Finance is founded on the economic idea, and several theories, most of psychology, are root parts of organisational behaviour and marketing. According to appearances, operations management lacks the intellectual rigour of these other business areas. However, this has caused theory envy in the area (Maylor et al., 2018). Therefore, this report will review the widely used theories and models in operation management to show their practical importance despite the lack of scientific rigour.

What is Operation Management?

Operations management controls organisational procedures to ensure maximum efficacy inside an organisation. It is committed to converting physical resources and labour as efficiently as possible into goods and services to maximise profit. Employees, supplies, infrastructure, and equipment must all be used by operations management teams.

Moreover, operations managers acquire, develop, and provide things to customers based on their needs and capacities (Schmenner & Swink, 1998). And operation management is involved in various strategic problems, such as determining the scope of manufacturing sites, project management approaches, and the configuration of information systems infrastructure. And it includes work-in-process volumes and raw material acquisition, quality assurance, logistics, and service levels, which is also an operational concern. Strive to generate the highest possible net operating margin by balancing costs and income (Stevenson et al., 2014).

Principles of Operation Management


Because technologies, trends, and strategies operate wider, operations managers must keep focused on the issue at hand because there is never a complete solution since operations management is so business-specific (Holweg et al., 2018).


In business, operations are interrelated because human-natural systems cooperate to keep a person alive. It implies they need an organisation to keep things moving (Anupindi, 2008).


The Pareto Rule of Efficiency (80/20) applies in operations management because 80 per cent is based on sustaining existing processes, and 20 per cent is given to new methods, technologies, and procedures (Holweg et al., 2018).


One of the essential ways for operations managers to guarantee that things operate smoothly is to communicate procedures, allocate responsibilities, and measure KPIs to ensure that employees accomplish the task intended (Holweg et al., 2018).


Support minor modification in procedures as they arise since this innovative thinking may lead to improved results (Slack & Brandon-Jones, 2018).


Investigate the cause and root of problems rather than disregarding them and dealing with the consequences. Everything is generated by someone or something, and it will continue to occur until the source of the problem is handled (Slack & Brandon-Jones, 2018).

Managed Passion

The happiness of its employees is crucial to the company’s development and prosperity. Management is critical in improving corporate spirit and supporting workers’ attitudes (Slack & Brandon-Jones, 2018).


Mistakes are pricey, so an operations manager must know when to seek assistance (Slack & Brandon-Jones, 2018).


Customer satisfaction is a continual measure of progress, even though achievement indicators constantly change. Maintaining this as a company priority will aid in achieving other objectives (Holweg et al., 2018).


Transformation is unavoidable owing to cutting-edge technology. It is usually for the better. Be open to change and explain why it is vital to acquire support from various stakeholders (Holweg et al., 2018).

Theories of Operation Management

Several process management models and operations management theories can aid in the better administration of a company’s operations. Let’s have a look at some of these:

Business Process Management

This is the ongoing process of examining, evaluating, streamlining, automating, and enhancing operations. It entails developing a strategy, modelling it in writing so everyone can comprehend and see the processes, evaluating its effectiveness, reviewing for successes and failures, and proposing recommendations for improvement or using technology to operate efficiently (Holweg et al., 2018).

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

BPR represents a significant transformation in how a company now functions. It uses technology to restructure functions and completely transform organisations (Holweg et al., 2018).

Lean & Agile Manufacturing

This contemporary method of production and manufacturing has resulted in lower expenses and the capacity to quickly fulfil changing market needs. It focuses on efficient buying to cut costs and use technology to manage delivery networks effectively. Using technologies and data insights to keep current functioning also contributes to agility. Advertising, revenues, design, and production staff can all use the same data systems to execute their jobs effectively (Stevenson et al., 2014).

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Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a technique and instrument for reducing the rate of mistakes in the production process. It entails defining, measuring, analysing, improving, and controlling a process (Slack & Brandon-Jones, 2018).

Reconfigurable Manufacturing System

A flexible manufacturing system is geared to swiftly adjust to a shift in supply or demand due to a sudden market or different synthesis. Software and hardware are included in the initial design to allow quick modifications as needed (GolA, 2019).

Employee Involvement

Creating a business culture that allows workers to feel heard and have a role in decisions demonstrates that their input is valued. It can foster a more cooperative, enthusiastic, and productive staff (Slack & Brandon-Jones, 2018).

Sustainable Operations Management

The sustainability of supply networks is the focus of this style of operations management. With rising globalisation and climate science, there is a greater demand for ecologically welcoming corporate operations. Many companies make this a crucial component of their value offering, which helps to boost their bottom line (Kleindorfer et al., 2005).

Behavioural Operations Management

Behavioural operations management analyses the managers’ decision-making process by combining psychology, economics, finance, and related fields; it looks at how human systems interact with operational procedures and finds areas where aberrations in rational behaviour might lead to inefficiency.

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management regulates the flow of goods and services, from raw material supply through storage, inventories, and production. It is linked to business operations that span from origin to the end of consumption. The objective is to reduce expenses and leftovers while growing yields and revenues (Kouvelis et al., 2006).


This report presents a brief overview of operation management and relevant concepts. Furthermore, it shows the ten most essential principles in operation management which make it successful. Lastly, it gives a brief overview of widely discussed theories in operation management. In conclusion, it is a short but comprehensive overview of operation management and relevant concepts and ideas.


Anupindi, R., (2008). Managing Business Process Flows Principles Of Operations Management, 2/E. s.l.:Pearson Education India.

Benjaafar, S. & Hu, M., 2020. Operations management in the age of the sharing economy: what is old and what is new? Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(1), pp. 93-101.

GolA, A., 2019. Reliability analysis of reconfigurable manufacturing system structures using computer simulation methods. Eksploatacja i Niezawodność, 21(1).

Holweg, M. et al., 2018. Process theory: The principles of operations management. s.l.:Oxford University Press.

Kleindorfer, P., Singhal, K. & Van Wassenhove, L., 2005. Sustainable operations management. Production and operations management, 14(4), pp. 482-492.

Kouvelis, P., Chambers, C. & Wang, H., 2006. Supply chain management research and production and operations management: Review, trends, and opportunities. Production and Operations Management, 15(3), pp. 449-469.

Maylor, H., Meredith, J., Söderlund, J. & Browning, T., 2018. Old theories, new contexts: extending operations management theories to projects. International Journal of Operations & Production Management.

Schmenner, R. & Swink, M., 1998. On theory in operations management. Journal of operations management, 17(1), pp. 97-113.

Slack, N. & Brandon-Jones, A., 2018. Operations and process management: principles and practice for strategic impact. s.l.:Pearson UK.

Stevenson, W., Hojati, M. & Cao, J., 2014. Operations management. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Education.

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